Alan W. Brue, PhD, LP, NCSP
Psychologist | University Instructor | School Psychologist | Consultant | Author
The Complete Guide to Special Education: Expert Advice on Evaluations, IEPs, and Helping Kids Succeed (3rd edition) (2018) xplores the special education process from testing and diagnosis to IEP meetings and advocating for special needs children. The stages of identification, assessment, and intervention are explained step by step to help you better understand special needs students’ legal rights and how to become an active, effective member of a child's educational team.
Essentials of Intellectual Disability Assessment and Identification (2016)
offers a practical, concise overview of the nature of intellectual disability and adaptive skills functioning in children, adolescents, and adults. Coverage includes the latest information on prevalence, causes, differential diagnoses, behavioral and social concerns, test instruments, and the new DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. The discussion promotes a deeper understanding of the use of assessment data to inform interventions in clinical practice.
Practitioner's Guide to Functional Behavioral Assessment: Process, Purpose, Planning, and Prevention (2015) introduces functional behavioral assessment as a critical tool in planning interventions to reduce disruptive and other problematic behaviors. Our book offers proven methods and strategies as a four-stage protocol in an easy-to-follow format with checklists, Q&A sections, and an extended case example including an assessment report and intervention plan.
A Parent's Guide to Special Education (2005) was the first book that Linda Wilmshurst and I co-authored. While much of the information is relevant, some of it needed updating, which is why we published a second edition. The new publisher revised the title to The Complete Guide to Special Education since the content was also relevant to audiences other than parents. No longer in print.